Monday, 22 February 2016

Making notes

The business of film
-6 million types of producers

-producer finds material.

-Film is like a start up business

-Some film companies start-up dramatically successful that they become businesses themselves.

e.g. Harry Potter

-Film industry-high risk high return

except for sequels

-American studios want to make films that can be targeted worldwide.

-Independent British films want to make the film and see where they can distribute it from there.

-There's no British film industry- Hollywood have their share.

-screenwriters are important

-cheaper not to make it

-films driven by their casting

- stars sells features

-take long to produce a movie from an idea

-film makers grows like artist but have to think business like.

Getting to the screen:

-what the size of the audience?

-risk of the film industry

-audiences-emotionally engaging characters-however, now want to enjoy film.

-american industry look for franchises

-82% of film makers who make a feature film never make one again in the next 10 years.

-independent British company find it harder to distribute.

Business of showing:

-opening weekend where movies are made or lost

-Monday morning numbers come in-which movies had more viewing figures?

-marketing a film-quite expensive

-money goes towards paying off costs and investing

-create an event that cannot be missed. However, all distributors for different films are doing same.

-if a film offers something different it will work.

-the trailer is an art form all on its own

Voice-overs to orchestra music

Different decades have different traits of presenting a trailer.

Tells you who is in it

-deducting all sales-rather losing money than making money.

-marketing costs-film in the red

-Cannot look at box office figures before making the film and judge whether it is profitable.

-box office figures used to advertise and promote a film.

-american industry-establish the licensing of the movie

-UK share-70% box office to world its 50%

-Niche its hard to break out of

-last 10 years-'windows of release'

films shown in America to UK-quick

off the cinema too

do one big marketing-cinemas are against that

Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc.

-quality of television distribution so much better than movies.

cinema attendance and tickets decline as a result of this

solution- improve experience

-movies are really hard to make

-British companies do not compete with Hollywood, but aim is to make a film unique

-simultaneous distribution

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