Sunday, 24 April 2016

Rewrite of institutions essay: Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice.

Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice.

Media ownership is an organisation or individuals that has control over the mass media in which issues that are raised in contemporary media practice suggests that British independent companies such as ‘Marv Films’ may find it particularly difficult to produce their films in the production process as Marv films budget for the film ‘Kingsman: the secret service’ (Vaughn, 2015) was $81million compared to Universal studios ‘Jurassic world’ (Trevorrow, 2015) with a budget of $150million. This highlights that Universal studios are able to afford more as the film industry is expensive in which Jurassic world was able to achieve a box office of $1.670billion in comparison with Kingsman: the secret service in which their box office was $46million. However, it could be argued that British independent films tend to be more unique than Hollywood blockbusters as Jurassic world is based on an original idea formed as a sequel from Jurassic park whereas Kingsman: the secret service is based on pre-existing content, which was based on a comic spy book by Mark Millar and Dave gibbons. Although shown by the box office figures, there is also the target audience to be taken into consideration as Universal Studios target their films at younger audience aged below 12 such as ...whereas Marv films target their films at mature audiences ranging from 12 and up, films such as Kick ass (Vaughn,2012) in which Marv films would find it difficult to distribute their film compared to Universal Studios as Marv films is an independent company that would need enough money to distribute the film and that it is harder to market their film to its target audience in comparison with Jurassic world.

However, there is also the target audience of the film to consider as Universal studios are mainly aimed at younger target audiences below the age of 12 in which Universal studios are able to produce and distribute their film easily as marketing their film through synergy and cross media convergence has allowed them to communicate their film through to their target audience in the form of merchandise and an interactive website to promote the film. The issue raised could suggest that these are typical ways to promote a film in which Marv films was able to promote their film Kingsman: the secret service by introducing a clothing line based on the costumes worn in the film. However, it could be argued that as new technology is becoming more advanced they would need more ways to promote the film such as through social media and using more of cross media convergence to promote the film such as when Jurassic world promoted their film by bringing out a video game ‘Jurassic world LEGO.’ This was a suitable product to promote the film as this allowed Universal Studios to aim their film at their target audience as younger audiences are more likely to play these types of video games. However, this could be the reason why Kingsman: the secret service did not do as well as Jurassic world as Marv films are mainly aimed at older audiences compared to Universal studios in which it is difficult for Marv films to use synergy and cross media convergence to attract their target audience to their film. 

However, Kingsman: the secret service was able to transfer from the distribution process to the exhibition process quicker than Jurassic world in which Kingsman: the secret service was put onto Blu-ray and DVD on 15 May 2015 whereas Jurassic world was put onto Blu-ray and DVD on October 20, 2015. Also, Kingsman: the secret service was put onto the sky store to be purchased by users in which the film could also be viewed on sky movies. Kingsman: the secret service was advertised more on their Blu-ray and DVD in comparison with Jurassic world as there is only small clips of Jurassic world shown on the sky store advertisement whereas Kingsman: the secret service was specially advertised for their DVD and Blu-ray. This suggests that as users of sky store are older, they would be the perfect target audience to aim the film at as this allows Marv films to communicate their product to their target audience. However, Jurassic world has done better in terms of the Blu-ray and DVD as they were claimed to be the second-highest selling video of the year in the UK, selling 1.05 million copies since its release. It was the third highest-selling DVD and the second highest-selling Blu-ray in the country as it sold nearly $3 million Blu-ray and DVD units in its first week.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Doc Martin rewrite essay

In this essay I will be representing regional identity through camera, sound, editing and mise-en-scene. 

In the beginning of the clip there is a panning shot as the protagonist 'Doc Martin' and a female character talk in which the audience hears the diegetic sound of dialogue between the two characters in which there is a shot reverse shot. 

In the next scene, the audience hears the diegetic sound of laughing in which there is a pan from the sink to a mid-shot of the plumber, which the laughing emphasises that the plumber does not take his job seriously. The audience then hears the diegetic sound of dialogue in which the pace of the shot of the plumbers is slow to emphasise the use of metaphors such as "go with the flow" in which the mid-shot of Doc Martin is also slow to emphasise his confusion of the two plumbers idiolect and their way of doing things as Doc Martin is from London and has an upper class status, which is highlighted bu his smart attire of wearing a suit compared to the two plumbers in which their attire signifies lower class and them working low paid jobs, which emphasises that they are less educated than doc Martin, which puts Doc Martin in a hegemonic perspective. This is seen as a representational issue of regional identity as Doc Martin is seen as being a hierarchy in the community because of his status and the place that he is from. 

In the next shot, there is a close up of a clock being taken out of a box in which the audience hears the diegetic sound of happy, upbeat score, which emphasises the scene to be comical. The clock is symbolic to 'time being of the essence' as Doc Martin is used to working around the clock and the fact that time seems to be slower than in London, which this is a representational issue of regional identity. The camera angles are canted to emphasise Doc Martin's movements being quite frantic as he wants to settle quickly in this new environment in which this foreshadows to a mid-shot of a dog jumping through the window in which the shots are fast paced to emphasise Doc Martin getting rid of the dog, which highlights the fact that he would not be getting used to this new environment that he is placed with. This is also emphasised as there is a tilt upwards to a point of view shot of a group of female characters dressed in cheap inappropriate clothing, highlighting that they are careless with their appearance compared to Doc Martin in which this is a representational issue of regional identity as this suggests that the area they are situated in highlights that the young females are careless with their appearance. 

In the next shot there is a long shot of Doc Martin exchanging the sound of diegetic dialogue with the two plumbers in which the pace of the shots with the plumbers is slow paced; emphasisng that life is more relaxed in their town. The plumbers are still relaxed as the water pipe bursts in which Doc Martin becomes frantic as the use of continuity editing emphasises the fast pace of the shots in which the audience hears the diegetic sound of the phone ringing and the diegetic sound of dialogue in which there is a mid-shot; emphasising Doc Martin's facial expression of being angry as he tries to handle the chaos in which a chaotic environment is what he is used to. There is a zoom in on the dog in which the sound of diegetic low orchestral score emphasises that he has had enough of the day. 

In the next scene there is a tracking shot as Doc Martin is walking the dog in which the audience can hear the non-diegetic sound of happy, upbeat score; emphasisng the scene to be comical.

There is a pan as Doc Martin walk's into the police station in which there is a tilt upwards from a vacuum to the policeman; emphasisng that there is not that much that goes on in that town in which there is a shot reverse shot as the diegetic sound of dialogue exchanges between the characters. 

There is a long shot of a female character in which the diegetic sound of score stops in which the audience hears the diegetic sound if dialogue is exchanged between her and Doc Martin, which emphasises that Doc Martin is being more respectful to her as her idiolect is equivalent to Doc Martin.  

Friday, 8 April 2016

Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice.

Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice.

Media ownership is an organisation or individuals that has control over the mass media in which issues that are raised in contemporary media practice suggests that British independent companies such as ‘Marv Films’ may find it particularly difficult to produce their films in the production process as Marv films budget for the film ‘Kingsman: the secret service’ (Vaughn, 2015) was $81million compared to Universal studios ‘Jurassic world’ (Trevorrow, 2015) with a budget of $150million. This highlights that Universal studios are able to afford more as the film industry is expensive in which Jurassic world was able to achieve a box office of $1.670billion in comparison with Kingsman: the secret service in which their box office was $46million. However, it could be argued that British independent films tend to be more unique than Hollywood blockbusters as Jurassic world is based on an original idea formed as a sequel from Jurassic park whereas Kingsman: the secret service is based on pre-existing content, which was based on a comic spy book by Mark Millar and Dave gibbons. Although shown by the box office figures, there is also the target audience to be taken into consideration as Universal Studios target their films at younger audience aged below 12 such as ...whereas Marv films target their films at mature audiences ranging from 12 and up, films such as Kick ass (Vaughn,2012) in which Marv films would find it difficult to distribute their film compared to Universal Studios as Marv films is an independent company that would need enough money to distribute the film and that it is harder to market their film to its target audience in comparison with Jurassic world.

However, there is also the target audience of the film to consider as Universal studios are mainly aimed at younger target audiences below the age of 12 in which Universal studios are able to produce and distribute their film easily as marketing their film through synergy and cross media convergence has allowed them to communicate their film through to their target audience in the form of merchandise and an interactive website to promote the film. The issue raised could suggest that these are typical ways to promote a film in which Marv films was able to promote their film Kingsman: the secret service by introducing a clothing line based on the costumes worn in the film. However, it could be argued that as new technology is becoming more advanced they would need more ways to promote the film such as through social media and using more of cross media convergence to promote the film such as when Jurassic world promoted their film by bringing out a video game ‘Jurassic world LEGO.’ This was a suitable product to promote the film as this allowed Universal Studios to aim their film at their target audience as younger audiences are more likely to play these types of video games. However, this could be the reason why Kingsman: the secret service did not do as well as Jurassic world as Marv films are mainly aimed at older audiences compared to Universal studios in which it is difficult for Marv films to use synergy and cross media convergence to attract their target audience to their film. 

However, Kingsman: the secret service was able to transfer from the distribution process to the exhibition process quicker than Jurassic world in which Kingsman: the secret service was put onto Blu-ray and DVD on 15 May 2015 whereas Jurassic world was put onto Blu-ray and DVD on October 20, 2015. Also, Kingsman: the secret service was put onto the sky store to be purchased by users in which the film could also be viewed on sky movies. Kingsman: the secret service was advertised more on their Blu-ray and DVD in comparison with Jurassic world as there is only small clips of Jurassic world shown on the sky store advertisement whereas Kingsman: the secret service was specially advertised for their DVD and Blu-ray. This suggests that as users of sky store are older, they would be the perfect target audience to aim the film at as this allows Marv films to communicate their product to their target audience. However, Jurassic world has done better in terms of the Blu-ray and DVD as they were claimed to be the second-highest selling video of the year in the UK, selling 1.05 million copies since its release. It was the third highest-selling DVD and the second highest-selling Blu-ray in the country as it sold nearly $3 million Blu-ray and DVD units in its first week.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Rewrite of digital technologies essay

Evaluate the role of digital technologies in the marketing and consumption of products (your films) in the area you have studied.

In this essay I will be evaluating the role of digital technologies in the marketing and consumption of products, which are Jurassic world and Kingsman: the secret service.
Digital technologies have a significant role in the marketing and consumption of film media products such as Jurassic world and Kingsman: the secret service as it appears to the target audience of that product and creates awareness for the product. Jurassic world had a number of teaser trailers and showings of the official trailers, which were more prominent than Kingsman: the secret service as Jurassic world had a box office of $1.67billion whereas Kingsman: the secret service had a box office of $414.4million. This is due to the fact that Kingsman: the secret service did not have that many showings of their trailer.

Also, Jurassic world had more publicity as they were featured in newspapers and on the news as Jurassic world is the sequel to Jurassic park, which was made after 20 years. This created a big hype for audiences to see the film. Also, after the film was distributed, Jurassic world was made into a video game product, which was Lego Jurassic world and then later made into another game for androids called ‘Jurassic world: the game.’ This is known as synergy, which allows both media products to combine and get recognition. Digital technology plays an important role as many people use them in this day of age as technology is becoming more advanced in which Jurassic world uses cross media convergence to promote the film by creating an interactive website, which can be viewed on many devices such as mobile phones, iPads, laptops and so on. Furthermore, another way that digital technology has impacted on marketing and consumption is through TV as Jurassic world has made TV appearances such as the premiere of the film, which is a form of publicised advertising; free form of advertising in which these appearances usually air on music channels as they know that the target audience of the film would normally watch music channels. Also, Jurassic world has been featured on empire magazine, which can be viewed on the internet on many devices due to digital technology. This allows both the film and the magazine to get recognition. The trailers were aired many times compared to Kingsman: the secret service, however, director Colin Treverrow felt that the trailers were revealing too much of the film. Also, the fact that the trailer was leaked before the actual viewing emphasises how digital technology has played a negative impact on the film industry. This could have a negative effect on the audience as some people may not like to see too much reveal of the film in a trailer. Jurassic World was released on DVD, Blu-ray, and Blu-ray 3D on October 20, 2015. 

Kingsman: the secret service has embraced digital technology as they have also used cross media convergence to create their own interactive website, which can be viewed on multiple devices. However, Kingsman: the secret service did not do as well as they had fewer showings of teaser trailers and their official trailer compared to Jurassic world, which in turn gave Kingsman: the secret service a lower box office. Kingsman: the secret service has made TV appearance based on their premiere, which featured interviews with the actors. This is a form of free advertising, known as publicised advertising. Kingsman: the secret service have been featured in various magazines, which are not well known compared to Jurassic world as they were featured in Empire as they are a Hollywood blockbuster whereas Kingsman: the secret service is an independent British film. The film was released on digital HD on 15 May 2015 and on Blu-ray Disc and DVD on 9 June. Kingsman: the secret service has not done much in the digital technology side of marketing compared to Jurassic world, but they have launched a clothing line based on the outfits they wore in the film in which it could be argued that the clothing line could be marketed using digital technology by them using cross media convergence to launch an interactive website based on purchasing the clothing line and the clothing line could be advertised on TV to get recognition. However, the advertisement for the DVD of Kingman: the secret service as it has been featured in Sky movies adverts to feature the films that can be purchased in Sky stores. Due to new technology, it has made piracy easier for people to get the film before the film is completed in the exhibition process. This is known as exchange. This costs the film inndustry millions as the sales have been taken by someone else. 

Overall, the use of digital technology has a huge impact in marketing and consumption for the film industry as this allows the film industry to communicate with the target audience of that film through many media products such as radio, TV and for magazines and Newspapers as they can also be viewed on the internet on many devices such as mobile phones, iPads and tablets. It is important for film companies to embrace digital technology as new technology is being introduced and becoming more advanced, which many users are using these days, which film companies need to use in order for them to communicate with the target audience of that film. Due to the fact that digital technology is becoming advanced, for consumption in digital technology trailers and films can be viewed in different ways such as applications for example ‘YouTube,’ which allows the user to watch a trailer and they can also purchase the film to watch, which can be viewed on many devices such as mobile phones, which are convenient when people are on the go as they can watch the trailer or film on the train on their way to work, especially now the fact that people do not have the time to go and purchase a DVD as they can be viewed on apps such as Netflix and Lovefilm, which allows the user to download or stream the film that they want to watch. However, the disadvantage of this can be that the film has not yet been through the exhibition process, which does not allow the film to be featured on these apps in which the audience may consider illegally watching the film, which is known as exchange

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Regional identity and stereotypes

Regional identity:
Regional identity refers to the part of the UK in which someone is from. It could refer to the general area such as 'north' or 'south' or a country such as 'England' and 'Scotland' or towns such as 'London' or 'Manchester.'

The several regional stereotypes seen of TV are: 

South England
North England

Scottish-quite aggressive, shown being obsessed with money, Wears kilts and eats haggis. Loves drinking alcohol.
Welsh-Living in the middle of the countryside. Always with sheep.
Irish-Living in the countryside, religious, friendly at times, works in rural areas such as farms.
English-the two types: posh in which the speak prim and proper, wear suits and has a higher status whereas the other type is at the pub, middle/working class, racist and obsessed with football and beer. 

London-the two types: posh in which the speak prim and proper, wear suits and has a higher status and the other type is lower status, common, violent, criminal. 
Essex-glamorous, but cheap, partying, being stupid. 
Yorkshire-rural countryside, old-fashioned. 
Cornwall/Somerset-shown as being 'backwards,' live in rural areas, works on farm. 
South England-center of culture, classy, modern, middle/higher class, jobs such as managers. 
North England-lower class, aggressive, less culture working class jobs such as builders. 

Sunday, 6 March 2016

disability clip essay

In the beginning of the clip, the audience sees an ariel shot of a bedroom in which there is a divide between the bedroom of one side looking very childish and bright with colorful whereas the other side is quite dull and stereotypical of teenagers bedroom. There is the sound of the non-diegetic voice of the narrator in which there is a slight pan around the potential protagonist, establishing the fact that it is the narrator. There is a cut to a mid-shot of the protagonist's brother 'Ben' in which Ben is asleep, which cuts back to a mid-shot of the protagonist 'Dave.' There are pre-recorded clips shown; expressing the mental vision of Dave in which it seems as if he is describing his brother as a mistake. This is a representational issue of disability as this emphasises Ben as different.

The next shot is an establishing shot of flats in which it is accompanied by the non-diegetic sound of score in the background, which sounds quite comical as it lowers the seriousness of the disability of Ben. The audience then sees an establishing shot of the kitchen, which uses low key lighting to make the place look dull emphasisng that family life is not all that it seems, which cuts to a close up of Ben; revealing his disability. There are a range of back and forth mid-shots in which in a particular shot, reveals Dave's facial expression in which he looks at his brother in disgust. A range of mid-shots are cut back and forth to capture the diegetic sound of dialogue and facial expressions. There is a medium-wide shot as Dave goes to get cereal in which he comments on the fact that Ben has eaten all the cereal in which the parents do not care what he has to say. This emphasises that Ben gets treated more differently to Dave due to his disability. This is shown again as there is a slight tilt downwards as the mum kisses Ben's head in which Dave does not a least get a goodbye. There is a long shot of the dad as the diegetic sound of dialogue is exchanged between the characters, which cuts to a slight pan of the fork that Ben is using to eat off of his dad's plate, which emphasises that Ben is selfish and his parents allows him to do what he wants as he is treated specially. This is seen as stereotypical, which emphasises the representational issue of disability.

There is a cut to a bus stop, which is in low key lighting; emphasising that Dave finds his daily routine depressing in which there are scenes interpreted back and forth between the bus stop scene. Ben is found with toys that annoy Dave, which emphasises these binary opposites of being young and old. In one particular scene, there is a point of view shot as the shot is a target of the gun in which Dave wants to shoot his brother. Another scene, shows a low angle of Dave reaching to get a kite out of the tree, which is trapped. This is iconic as Kites represent freedom, which symbolises Dave's life as him being trapped. This cuts to a high angle of Ben looking smug with an ice cream; emphasisng his childlike behavior. The next scene is a side view in which the focus pull focuses on Dave first and then a suspect he narrates about.

The next scene is an over-the-shoulder shot in which Dave is seen drawing in class of a dinosaur; emphasising that he in his own little world, which also shows that he is different to everyone else as he has to look after his younger brother. There are back and forth medium-wide shots between the teacher and the class as the diegetic sound of dialogue is exchanged. There is a tracking shot of the teacher as the diegetic sound of dialogue is heard; emphasising that she is in charge.

In the next scene, the audience sees a medium-wide shot as Dave and a friend comes out of a pair of doors in the school playground, which is accompanied by the diegetic sound of dialogue. There is a low angle shot of Dave as it empahsises that Ben has to look up to Dave as Dave looks after him in which it cuts to a high angle shot of Ben, which emphasises his vulnerability as he learns that he has to get back home himself as Dave states that they have not been 20metres apart from each other.

In the next scene, there is a medium-wide shot of Ben as he holds onto the front seat of the bus looking vulnerable. The non-diegetic sound of score in the background sounds quite eerie, empahsising that Ben is quite scared. There is bad behavior from the school kid in the back in which the sound fades, emphasising that it is a lot for Ben to take in. Then there is a slow motion of Ben, showing that he is in distress due to this experience of being alone in an environment that he is not used to without his brother or family.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Organising research into the film chain-Kingsman:the secret service

Kingsman:the secret service

Studio-Marv Films
Producer-Matthew Vaughn, David Reid and Adam Bohling
Director-Matthew Vaughn  
Idea-Comic spy book 'the secret service'- Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons
Technologies-special effects, visual effects

Distribution company-20th century fox
Global distribution
Distribution format
Technologies used to distribute-TV, radio, social media

Budget for marketing-$81million
Online and offline marketing strategies-interactive website,merchandise
Timings for campaign-
Target audience-15-25
Global campaign
Technologies used to market film-interactive website, TV advert,social media

Release date-jan 24th 2015

Organising research into the film chain-Jurassic world

Jurassic world

Studio-Universal studios
Producer-Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley
Director-Colin Trevorrow      
Idea-Amanda Silver and Rick Jaffa
Technologies-3D,animatroics dinosaurs

Distribution company-Universal pictures
Global distribution
Distribution format
Technologies used to distribute-TV, radio, social media

Budget for marketing-$150million
Online and offline marketing strategies-
Timings for campaign
Target audience-12 to 24
Global campaign
Technologies used to market film-TV, social media

Release date-12th June 2015

Sunday, 28 February 2016


Binary oppositions - where texts are organised around sets of opposite values such as good and evil, light and dark. For example Man v's woman, Good v's Bad.

Diegetic/non - Diegetic is sound that the characters can hear them selves like the radio playing, non diegetic is sounds or music or an over voice that the characters cannot hear but the audience can. Non-diegetic sounds can be put in when editing for example:

Hegemony - means a position of power or leadership in a given situation.

Ideology - These sets of beliefs are those held by groups within society, and the prevalent ones are those held by the ruling/dominant groups.

Intertextuality - The term Intertextuality refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text via another media text. In other words Intertextuality essentially means for a type of media(film,television,music etc) to pay homage to another media text.

Representation - Media representations are the ways in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or value perspective

Iconography - essentially this is a 'genre indicator'. When its a cowboy film we expect to see the desert, saloons, horses. in a horror we expect to see darker lighting and knives and weapons. It's what the audience expects to see when they know the genre of the film.

Preferred reading - Producers of a media text design it with a certain meaning in mind. They hope that audiences will decode their text in a certain way - particularly if the text is an advertisement. Preferred readings are those which tie in with hegemonic beliefs.

Oppositional Reading - when the audience rejects the message portrayed.

Archetype - a generic character found in many story lines, e.g. hero, villain, loyal friend

Stereotype - a widely held and fixed but oversimplified image or idea of a certain type of person.

Verisimilitude - being true or real

High-key lighting - Generally makes the image or video a lot brighter. Suggests happiness

Low-key lighting - Generally a darker scene, can be used for making the scene more emotional or scary.

Contrapuntal sound - sounds that don't go with what is seen on the screen so make the audience question what they are seeing. 

 Ambient sound - common sounds in the back ground e.g Wind, Air, birds, Office Noise.

Foley - reproduction of every day sounds which are then added into the clip during post production.

Dramatic irony - irony that is understood by the audience but not the characters.

Ellipsis - cutting out parts of a scene or conversation so it isn't too long

Prop's Character theory - Vladimir Propp came up with the theory that there are only 7 types of characters in cinematography
  1. The villain (struggles against the hero)
  2. The donor (prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object)
  3. The (magical) helper (helps the hero in the quest)
  4. The princess (person the hero marries, often sought for during the narrative)
  5. The false hero (perceived as good character in beginning but emerges as evil)
  6. The dispatcher (character who makes the lack known and sends the hero off)
  7. The hero [AKA victim/seeker/paladin/winner, reacts to the donor, weds the princess

Todorov's narrative theory - most storys or plots follow the same 5 steps
1. Equilibrium
2. disruption
3. realisation 
4. restored order
5. Equilibrium again

Restricted narrative - Limits the audience to what the characters know about the story line

Omniscient narrative - audience knows all the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.

Linear narrative - a story in chronological order

Episodic Narrative - a story told through a series of episodes or segments

Above the line costs - In general, Above-the-line refers to Actors, Producers, Writers and Directors. For the most part, these are fixed costs. For example, if a scene is cut from the script, the writer is still paid the same amount.

Below the line costs - The 'line' in below-the-line is the one separating the Actors, Director, Producers, and Writers from the other crew.

Diegesis - A plot or narrative

Enigma Code - A question that is not immediately answered and therefore draws in the attention of the audience for example a dead body at the start of a film.

Continuity editing - a system of cutting used to maintain continuous and clear narrative action

High concept film - a simple and often striking idea or premise, often leands itself to easy promotion

Juxtaposition - two things being placed or seen close together to contrast eachother

Key Light - This is the main light. It is usually the strongest and has the most influence on the look of the scene. It is placed to one side of the camera/subject so that this side is well lit and the other side has some shadow.

Master shot - A single shot that includes the complete scene from its start to the finish.  Usually a master shot is filmed and then the rest of the other kinds of shots (close-ups...etc) are then shot later.

Parallel shot - a device of narrative construction in which the development of two pieces of action are presented simultaneously.

Reaction shot - a portrayal of a person's response to an event or to a statement made by another.

Polysemic - having more than one meaning

Synergy -  the symaltanious release of different products to boost both

Convergence - the combining of two or more mediums 

Horizontal integration - a production company expands into other areas of one industry

Vertical integration - the production company has the ownership of the means of production, distribution and exhibition of the film by the same company, because of this they receive all the profit

180 degree rule - In film making, the 180-degree rule is a basic guideline regarding the on-screen spatial relationship between a character and another character or object within a scene.

Rule of thirds - In the rule of thirds, photos are divided into thirds with two imaginary lines vertically and two lines horizontally making three columns, three rows, and nine sections in the images. 

Aesthetics - a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty

Arbitrary signifiers - signs where the relation between signifier and signified is purely conventional and culturally specific, e.g., most words.

Codes - A system of signs which can be decoded to create meaning.
In media texts, we look at a range of different signs that can be loosely grouped into the following:
  • technical codes - all to do with the way a text is technically constructed - camera angles, framing, typography etc
  • verbal codes - everything to do with language -either written or spoken
  • symbolic codes - codes that can be decoded on a mainly connotational level - all the things which draw upon our experience and understanding of other media texts, our cultural frame of reference.

Frame composition - is the presentation of visual elements in an image, especially the placement of the subject in relation to other objects.

Conglomerate - media group or media institution is a company that owns large numbers of companies in various mass media such as television, radio, publishing, movies, and the Internet.

Connotation - an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

Cultural codes - Cultural codes are defined as symbols and systems of meaning that are relevant to members of a particular culture (or subculture). These codes can be utilized to facilitate communication within the 'inside group' and also to obscure the meaning to 'outside groups'.

Cultural Imperialism - Cultural imperialism is the cultural aspects of imperialism. Imperialism, here, is referring to the creation and maintenance of unequal relationships between civilizations favoring the more powerful civilization.

Effects model - is how the media can affect society and how society affects media.

Hypodermic model - implies that the mass media has a direct, immediate and powerful affect on its audiences.

Signifiers - a sign's physical form (such as a sound, printed word, or image) as distinct from its meaning.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Making notes

The business of film
-6 million types of producers

-producer finds material.

-Film is like a start up business

-Some film companies start-up dramatically successful that they become businesses themselves.

e.g. Harry Potter

-Film industry-high risk high return

except for sequels

-American studios want to make films that can be targeted worldwide.

-Independent British films want to make the film and see where they can distribute it from there.

-There's no British film industry- Hollywood have their share.

-screenwriters are important

-cheaper not to make it

-films driven by their casting

- stars sells features

-take long to produce a movie from an idea

-film makers grows like artist but have to think business like.

Getting to the screen:

-what the size of the audience?

-risk of the film industry

-audiences-emotionally engaging characters-however, now want to enjoy film.

-american industry look for franchises

-82% of film makers who make a feature film never make one again in the next 10 years.

-independent British company find it harder to distribute.

Business of showing:

-opening weekend where movies are made or lost

-Monday morning numbers come in-which movies had more viewing figures?

-marketing a film-quite expensive

-money goes towards paying off costs and investing

-create an event that cannot be missed. However, all distributors for different films are doing same.

-if a film offers something different it will work.

-the trailer is an art form all on its own

Voice-overs to orchestra music

Different decades have different traits of presenting a trailer.

Tells you who is in it

-deducting all sales-rather losing money than making money.

-marketing costs-film in the red

-Cannot look at box office figures before making the film and judge whether it is profitable.

-box office figures used to advertise and promote a film.

-american industry-establish the licensing of the movie

-UK share-70% box office to world its 50%

-Niche its hard to break out of

-last 10 years-'windows of release'

films shown in America to UK-quick

off the cinema too

do one big marketing-cinemas are against that

Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc.

-quality of television distribution so much better than movies.

cinema attendance and tickets decline as a result of this

solution- improve experience

-movies are really hard to make

-British companies do not compete with Hollywood, but aim is to make a film unique

-simultaneous distribution

Evaluate the role of digital technologies in the marketing and consumption of products (your films) in the area you have studied.

Evaluate the role of digital technologies in the marketing and consumption of products (your films) in the area you have studied.

In this essay I will be evaluating the role of digital technologies in the marketing and consumption of products, which are Jurassic world and Kingsman: the secret service.
Digital technologies have a significant role in the marketing and consumption of film media products such as Jurassic world and Kingsman: the secret service as it appears to the target audience of that product and creates awareness for the product. Jurassic world had a number of teaser trailers and showings of the official trailers, which were more prominent than Kingsman: the secret service as Jurassic world had a box office of $1.67billion whereas Kingsman: the secret service had a box office of $414.4million. This is due to the fact that Kingsman: the secret service did not have that many showings of their trailer.
Also, Jurassic world had more publicity as they were featured in newspapers and on the news as Jurassic world is the sequel to Jurassic park, which was made after 20 years. This created a big hype for audiences to see the film. Also, after the film was distributed, Jurassic world was made into a video game product, which was Lego Jurassic world and then later made into another game for androids called ‘Jurassic world: the game.’ This is known as synergy, which allows both media products to combine and get recognition. Digital technology plays an important role as many people use them in this day of age as technology is becoming more advanced in which Jurassic world uses cross media convergence to promote the film by creating an interactive website, which can be viewed on many devices such as mobile phones, iPads, laptops and so on. Furthermore, another way that digital technology has impacted on marketing and consumption is through TV as Jurassic world has made TV appearances such as the premiere of the film, which is a form of publicised advertising; free form of advertising in which these appearances usually air on music channels as they know that the target audience of the film would normally watch music channels. Also, Jurassic world has been featured on empire magazine, which can be viewed on the internet on many devices due to digital technology. This allows both the film and the magazine to get recognition. The trailers were aired many times compared to Kingsman: the secret service, however, director Colin Treverrow felt that the trailers were revealing too much of the film. Also, the fact that the trailer was leaked before the actual viewing emphasises how digital technology has played a negative impact on the film industry. Jurassic World was released on DVD, Blu-ray, and Blu-ray 3D on October 20, 2015. It sold around
Kingsman: the secret service has embraced digital technology as they have also used cross media convergence to create their own interactive website, which can be viewed on multiple devices. However, Kingsman: the secret service did not do as well as they had fewer showings of teaser trailers and their official trailer compared to Jurassic world, which in turn gave Kingsman: the secret service a lower box office. Kingsman: the secret service has made TV appearance based on their premiere, which featured interviews with the actors. This is a form of free advertising, known as publicised advertising. Kingsman: the secret service have been featured in various magazines, which are not well known compared to Jurassic world as they were featured in Empire as they are a Hollywood blockbuster whereas Kingsman: the secret service is an independent British film. The film was released on digital HD on 15 May 2015 and on Blu-ray Disc and DVD on 9 June. Kingsman: the secret service has not done much in the digital technology side of marketing compared to Jurassic world, but they have launched a clothing line based on the outfits they wore in the film in which it could be argued that the clothing line could be marketed using digital technology by them using cross media convergence to launch an interactive website based on purchasing the clothing line and the clothing line could be advertised on TV to get recognition. However, the advertisement for the DVD of Kingman: the secret service as it has been featured in Sky movies adverts to feature the films that can be purchased in Sky stores.

Overall, the use of digital technology has a huge impact in marketing and consumption for the film industry as this allows the film industry to communicate with the target audience of that film through many media products such as radio, TV and for magazines and Newspapers as they can also be viewed on the internet on many devices such as mobile phones, iPads and tablets. It is important for film companies to embrace digital technology as new technology is being introduced and becoming advanced, which many users are using these days, which film companies need to use in order for them to communicate with the target audience of that film. Due to the fact that digital technology is becoming advanced, for consumption in digital technology trailers and films can be viewed in different ways such as applications for example ‘YouTube,’ which allows the user to watch a trailer and they can also purchase the film to watch, which can be viewed on many devices such as mobile phones, which are convenient when people are on the go as they can watch the trailer or film on the train on their way to work, especially now the fact that people do not have the time to go and purchase a DVD as they can be viewed on apps such as Netflix and Lovefilm, which allows the user to download or stream the film that they want to watch. However, the disadvantage of this can be that the film has not yet been through the exhibition process, which does not allow the film to be featured on these apps.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Rewrite of mock exam essay

Representation of class and status
In the beginning of the clip, there is a slight pan as it follows the movement of the protagonist ‘Merlin’ as he walks into a room, which is a jump cut as he enters the room in which there is a non-diegetic of instrumental score in which it sounds eerie and suspenseful as if he is going to get caught any minute. The room that he enters in is a mediation of the director’s or writer’s view of the room. There is a slight pan of the room’ revealing the luxury of how the upper class lives; showing that Merlin looks abnormal to the room as he is dressed in dull ragged attire. There are close ups of objects on the table such as a voodoo doll and a book in which there is continuity editing to capture Merlin’s facial expression as he observes the objects.

The audience then sees a female character dressed in a bright purple dress that emphasises that she belongs to the surroundings in a castle. Also, the colour purple connotates royalty, which emphasises that she is from the upper class and holds more power than people like Merlin from the lower class. There is a slight pan as she walks towards the room in which there is a jump cut as she enters the room. There is a slow tilt up of Merlin to emphasise that he has been caught by the female character due to him going through her things. There is a mid shot of the female character as the audience hears the diegetic so and of dialogue. The shits of Merlin are quite quick and frantic to emphasise that he is from the lower class in which they do work and carry out chores. Whereas the shots of the female character are still and calm; emphasising that the upper class do not have much to worry about. The audience then sees a quick pan towards the mirror; mimicking the female character’s glance at the mirror in which there is an older version of the female character; emphasising that she is not her true self. The mid shot of both characters are edited back and forth to capture their facial expressions.

There is then a tracking shot as Merlin leaves the castle in which we seen the town village in which Merlin seems to fit in as he is from the same class as the other people. The audience hears diegetic sound of dialogue between Merlin and Prince Arthur in which Merlin talks very crudely to Arthur. This is where Arthur states to Merlin that he cannot talk to Prince Arthur that way. There is an over-the-shoulder shot of Merlin in which there is a high angle of him; emphasising that Prince Arthur has more power than Merlin. Especially in class and status as Prince Arthur is wearing armour; emphasising that he is of nobility and wealth. Also, Prince Arthur would be considered an archetype of stereotypical of rich and noble people as he is arrogant and treats the lower class poorly, which emphasises that the representation is hegemonic norm as he is dominant.

The audience sees a medium wide shot as prince Arthur pulls out a weapon in which there is a diegetic sound of chains as it hits Merlin. There is a quick pan as the weapon is thrown at Merlin; challenging him to a duel. As they begin to fight there is non-diegetic sound of instrumental score, which sounds very persistent and upbeat to match the action of the fighting. Also, the instrumental score sounds quite comical which implies that no one will get hurt intentionally. The angle is handheld as it matched the frantic movements of the fighting in which the shots are very short to emphasise the quick movements. As Merlin falls down to the ground there is an eye-line match of some of the objects that Merlin uses his powers to stop Prince Arthur from fighting him and to make him look like a joke. The audience then sees a long shot as Merlin has been hit with a broom stick by Prince Arthur. The shots are cut to go along with the music played, to make the scene look comical, which adds more humour when Arthur sweeps the floor with the broom to say that the job is done. Also, to see Prince Arthur with a broom is ironic as it is probably the first time he has held a broom as he is from the higher class. There is a slight tilt up as Merlin gets up in which there is the diegetic sound of dialogue and a mid shot of both characters edited and back and forth to capture their facial expressions and the diegetic sound of dialogue.

In the final scene, there is the diegetic sound of dialogue between Merlin and his mentor ‘Guis’ in which Guis says to Merlin to not use his magic but Merlin feels that if he does not use magic he might as well die. This is expressed with the use of continuity editing by the range of mid shots and close ups to capture their facial expressions and the diegetic sound of dialogue.

Audience and institutions
Synergy and convergence is significant for audiences and institutions such as universal studios and Marv Films as they are both vital in the distribution process.

Universal studios was founded in 1912, which means that they would have more experience; especially in the distribution process compared to Marv films as Marv films was only founded in 2004; giving them less experience than Universal studios.

Although, proliferation suggests that Hollywood blockbusters such as ‘Jurassic world’ is the sequel to Jurassic park. Whereas, British independent films such as Kinsman: the secret service are thought to be unique as Kingsman: the secret service is based on a comic spy book by Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons. This relates to both film companies brand image as Universal studios are very consistent with their brand image whereas Marv films adapt their brand image to the films they make; making them unique.

Both film companies had to pay to advertise their film through billboards, bus stops, buses and tv adverts as this is to promote the film and to attract their target audience. The trailer of the film are advertised at certain times on TV as film companies know that adults and children would be at work and school. For instance, Kingsman: the secret service would be aired in the evening at 8.00pm as they would know that the target audience of this film would be awake at this time, which is also due to their age range. A free way to promote their film can be by publicising the film, by using social media or media TV appearances of the film premiere.

Jurassic world, directed by Colin Trevorrow, was released on the 12th June 2015 with a box office of $1.638 billion; competing against Terminator in that same month. This high box office could be due to Universal studios using cross media convergence as they produced an interactive website and using synergy to promote merchandise of Jurassic world.

Alternatively, Kingsman@ the secret service, directed by Matthew Vaughn, did not massively promote merchandise, but used synergy to promote a clothing line, which promoted both the film and the clothing line. Similarly, Kingsman: the secret service used cross media convergence to produce an interactive website too. However, the film did not do as well as Jurassic world. Kingsman: the secret service with a box office of $406.9million compared to Jurassic world. Kingsman: the secret service was released on the 29th January 2015; competing against Ted 2 in that same month.

Jurassic world is rated 12A due to threat, violence, gory scenes and mild language whereas Kingsman: the secret service is rated 15 due to strong language, violence and sex references. Both films were given these age certificates by the BBFC. Both films have also still kept the same age certificate for DVD when going through the exhibition process. However, this is not the only way to watch a film, due to technological convergence in which there are various ways for an audience to watch a film. For instance, a film can be downloaded on a mobile phone, laptop, iPad or pc. This is an example of exchange, however, in some cases, if downloaded illegally is considered as piracy. To avoid piracy, another way for an audience to watch a film would be official streaming such as Netflix or Love film. You can watch various films under various categories with special offers. Such as when you get one month free when you join Netflix. However, a disadvantage of this would be that the film may not come up on official streaming as it may be a while before the product goes through the exhibition process.

Overall, Universal studios has done well by using synergy and convergence to promote Jurassic world as they have had a higher budget of $150million and also due to proliferation of hardware compared to Marv films in which they were able to decide to make Jurassic world in 3D in the pre-production process. Also, they have done well by selling to the right target audience and using technological convergence to create an interactive website to promote the film, which majority of people use the internet these days, which helps them to compete against other films. Also, the fact that Jurassic world had more advertising than Kingsman: the secret service shows that due to budget being higher it gave them a high box office; showing that the Hollywood blockbuster was more successful.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Notes on film production process


Producer-main person

Scripts a blueprint for the director.

Beginning, middle and end.- for a film.

Rely on combination of instincts and knowledge of the market place.

Script needs rewriting and re-polishing before it is final.

Investing in the film:
TV channels
In terms of UK film.

Having the right team.

Cinematography right hand for director.

Budget-finances of the film.

Above and below the line costs.

Above line-creative side

Above the line cast and crew:
Producer, director, writer and main cast.

Producer have a very defined audience

What type of cinema?
Who we making this for?

Already producers thinking how the film will be marketed in the production process.

What time of the year to show the film?
E.g. Horror film on Halloween-October.

American film industry think differently.

Distribution- the role of the distributor.

Who would want to see the film?
Why would they want to see the film?
How could they be persuaded to see the film?

Films are ranged from blockbusters to smaller independent films.

Formulate yes or no on the film they are going to see- the audience.

USP of a film? What genre is the film?

When  to release a film?
Animation picture for kids released in the school holidays.

Is there a similar film released on that day?

Change release date if competition is on that same date.

Certain franchises made with release date in mind.e.g. Da Vinci code and Spiderman.

Similar film released on that day competing for the same audience?

Best possible film.
Best possible marketing.

Doing questionnaires
Hunt down for people of that audience and get them to watch the film.

Set appropriate budget for box office.

How are they going to sell their film?

Advertising- paying for it. Cost of producing adverts.

Third party promotion.

Media promotion
Big name actor for premiere.

Where an audience may see your advertising.

How to communicate with the audience?

Distribution- the campaign

Distributor needs to create a marketing campaign so that they can sell their film over their competitor.

Trailer most important element.
Synergy promotes the film:
Teaser trailers

Font has to be identifiable.

The poster
Sell genre, concept, content of the film.

Poster teases.

Public aware that film is coming.

Hit a wide audience.

Bus shelters


Most effective advertising. Generally first exposure of what audience is going to see in cinema.

Overall concept portrayed.

Teaser trailer.

Main trailer
After film has come out on cinema.

Copies bridges gaps between scenes.
Captions, voiceovers.
Depend on mood and tone of the film.
Captions usually used in horror and voiceovers for comedy.

Foreign language- in English

Does not tell audience is in different language. - house of flying daggers.

Reach audience at home using TV spots.

30 seconds

Film title
Who is in it?

Vey clear in the message

Viral campaign
share it with people

PR and press
Free editorial space.
Creative advertising
Magazine- reviews
Important-How many reviews has the film had?

As marketing develops, distributor needs to know how aware the audience are of the film.

word of mouth
Vast screening programme-people to watch film in advance so people tell friends about it.
PR would manipulate by making people talk about the film in public places.

Opening weekend
3 day figure
Your film has to make more money than any other film in that cinema.
Make or break

Fate rests in hands of exhibitor

Multiplex cinema
1st multiplex cinema opened in Milton Keynes
Upgrading cinema experience
About where cinemas are located
Good parking/access

Which films?
Identify audience to serve them
Catering to different groups
Where cinemas are located?
Out of town?
Audience live?
Are films played in the right cinema?

Have to understand audience/customers
Do detailed analysis
Snapshot of each cinema in the country
What cinema has the largest population? What doesn't?
Email-sign up to cinema
Other events at cinema to attract audience
Create environment where they can drink coffee, wine and stay after the film has finished.

Easy business
Which cinema to go to?
Old/new cinema
Qualitative issue
Do audience choose particular film or cinema?

Digital camera
Exhibitor not frightened to new technology- embrace it.
Films can be downloaded
3D- immersive experience
Make an event around the film
People want to get away from home
Parents get time out from kids and vice versa.
Cinema social experience- experience an event with other like minded people.

Piracy affects production
Piracy affects distribution
British filmmakers vulnerable
Costs film industry millions
Affects jobs
Gives criminals money
Piracy erodes revenue to the studios
Loss of £1million from box office
Costly business-film industry
Need revenue to pay costs
Smaller parties affected more

A changing problem
Piracy on the internet- new generation
Using computers more to copy.
Broadband- share to other people- quicker

Biggest budget films not affected
Counterfeit dvd taking money away from people working on the film.
Workers are not getting paid. Workers leave
Audience affected by poor quality film
Financers and producers less making films
British industry then does smaller
Film industry big work force
Affects future generations as industry get smaller.