Sunday, 1 November 2015

Micro analysis essay on age-Waterloo road

Micro analysis essay on age-Waterloo road

In the beginning of the clip, the audience captures a tracking shot from the feet of a teacher walking towards a pair of students. We can tell that the character is a teacher as he is wearing different outfit compared to the school students. Then there is a medium wide shot of two characters followed by the diegetic sound of dialogue. Then the camera is at a low angle in which the camera captures the character taking out a camcorder from his jacket to hide it between the chair and desk. The next shot is a tracking shot of the teacher again which is accompanied by the diegetic sound of a cough by the teacher. The shot is then clipped at a fast pace between the characters and the action of holding the camcorder to capture their surprised facial expression as they are caught by the teacher due to the hiding the camcorder. Then there is a medium close up shot of the teacher, which is accompanied by the diegetic sound of dialogue between the three characters. The camera is more at a close up with the teacher than the student, which emphasises superiority. This is a representational issue of age. The next shot is a medium long shot of the characters accompanied by the diegetic sound of dialogue, which emphasises the fact that the two characters are being told off. Both the medium close up shot and the medium long shot are repeated to emphasise from different point of views of the conflict between the students and the teacher. The next shot is a medium close up of one of the students, which is shown as an over-the-shoulder shot from the teacher’s side. This emphasises the representational issue of age. The next shot is a medium close up of the teacher in which there is a diegetic sound of the teacher as he clicks his fingers to demand the student to confess in which the camera moves down to capture the student giving the teacher a broken camcorder. Then there is a medium close up of the broken camcorder as the teacher holds it up, which is accompanied by the diegetic sound of dialogue from the teacher.

There is a tracking shot in which the camera follows a second teacher entering the scene, which is followed by the diegetic sound of dialogue. The audience can tell that this is a teacher as their clothing is different to the younger students, which is a representational issue of age. There is a medium close up of the second teacher to capture her facial expression as she is annoyed by the broken piece of school equipment. The shot is clipped between each character to capture their facial expression, which is also an over-the-shoulder shot, which emphasises each character’s point of view.

The next scene is a slight pan towards a student leaning against the doorframe. There is a medium long shot of another character as he walks towards the student, which is accompanied by the diegetic sound of dialogue. The audience can tell that the character is older as he has different clothing compared to the student as the student is wearing uniform. Also, the fact that the character has a pencil in his ear means that he has a job, making the character older than the student. This is a representational issue of age. Then there is a medium close up of the student to capture his facial expression as he hears his name being called out. There is a close up of both characters, which is followed by the diegetic sound of dialogue. The camera clips between the two characters to capture their facial expression due to the diegetic sound of dialogue.

The next scene is a long shot of two characters accompanied by the diegetic sound of dialogue in which they are walking in a busy corridor. Another character enters the scene in which there is a medium long shot of the three characters accompanied by the diegetic sound of dialogue. There is a medium close up of the third character, which is also an over-the-shoulder shot, which emphasises the other characters point of view. Then the next shot is a medium close up as she spots another character in which she runs up towards that character. The shot is a long shot as the character starts running in which the camera is at the back of the character as he is still running. There is a medium long shot of the two characters as the camera captures the action match of the shot.

The next scene is a long shot of a teacher and students in a classroom. The teacher is dressed in different attire compared to the student’s uniform, which makes it clear for the audience to identify the difference between the characters and their age, which is also represented by the teacher being stood up while the students are sat down. The next shot is a medium close up between the characters in the class, which is accompanied by the diegetic sound of dialogue. The next shot is a medium long shot of one of the students entering in the classroom which is followed by the diegetic sound of dialogue and non-diegetic sound of background music, which is quite a fast tempo to build up suspense.

There is an action match shot in the next scene, which is accompanied by the diegetic sound of dialogue and non-diegetic sound of background music, which is stereotypically the type of music that teenagers would listen to as it is fast paced. This would be considered as a representational issue of age. The camera clips between the shots quickly between the two characters to capture their facial expressions due to the diegetic sound of dialogue. The next shot is a high angle of the teacher as he enters the room in which he helps the student to breathe, which emphasises his superiority. This is a representational issue of age. The camera clips between the three characters quickly to create dramatic effect as the student struggling to breathe is a serious situation.

The final scene is a high angle of a teacher in which the camera clips to a low angle of a much younger teacher, which is accompanied by the diegetic sound of dialogue and non-diegetic sound of background music. This is ironic as the elder teacher is dressed in attire that is stereotypically worn by teenagers. The non-diegetic sound of music is stereotypically the type of music that teenagers would listen to, also, the music emphasises the teacher’s attire of him wearing jeans and a t-shirt. This is a representational issue of age. The non-diegetic sound of the background music stops as he speaks with another teacher. There is a medium close up between the teacher and a different teacher as there is the diegetic sound of dialogue in which the camera clips between the two characters to capture their facial expression due to the dialogue.

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